Frasier Wiki

Eddie is a character on Frasier, portrayed by Moose for the first seven seasons, and by his son, Enzo, for the remaining four.


Eddie is the Jack Russell Terrier owned by Martin Crane. He is capable of understanding many commands and human language to a certain degree, for instance on display when someone spells out B-A-T-H and Eddie scarpers to avoid it. Eddie has a tendency to, at length, sit and stare at Frasier. After about a year living in Frasier's Apartment, Eddie fathers six puppies, which causes Frasier to have him neutered.[1] His puppies also have a tendency to stare at Frasier. He generally listens only to Martin, and has an inconsistency in learning tricks. He occasionally listens to Daphne Moon, and upon her visits, only fully adheres to Lillith Sternin, out of fright. Despite his complicated relationship with Frasier he is shown on frequent occasions to listen to Frasier albeit out fear when he is frustrated.

seasons series:


Martin crane:

Frasier crane:

Niles Crane:

Daphne moon:

Roz :



  • His birthday is first said to be May 7, but later changed to May 15.
  • It was revealed in a flashback in The Return of Martin Crane that, prior to obtaining Eddie, Martin had purchased a goldfish also named Eddie. When a colleague suggested that he get a dog, Martin claimed not to be a dog person.
  • According to various commentaries and behind the scenes programmes, Moose was extremely well-trained and obedient to his owner, but never really took to any of the cast.
  • Behind-the-scenes Moose and Enzo both did not get along on set to point were couldn't be in room with each.
  • Moose retired his role after season 8 and his son Enzo took over for the rest of the show.
  • Eddie fathered 6 puppies with the neighbour's dog which led to him being neutered in following episode.
  • Eddie has costume for every holiday.
  • Eddie intelligence is somewhere between 6 out 10


Notes and references[]
